Special Topics Recordings Archive

Week 7
Lecture 14: Periodization, Continued
- These are printable handouts of the diagrams we worked on in class in the last class.
- Screencast
Lecture 13: Periodization
- The recording of this video in full screen mode was unsuccessful. I will try to make up for it by an accelerated presentation on Friday. Sorry for the technical issue. We’ll get a lot done tomorrow!
Week 6
Lecture 12: The Diaspora and Zionism
Lecture 11: The Peace Process
Week 5
Lecture 10: The Arab-Israeli Wars
Lecture 9: The Formation of the State of Israel
Week 4
Lecture 8: Israel Today
Lecture 7: Review
Week 3
Lecture 6: The Whole Context, Part 2
Lecture 5: The Whole Context
Week 2
Lecture 4: A More Detailed Picture
Lecture 3: The Big Picture, Continued
Week 1
Lecture 2: The Big Picture
Lecture 1: Israel and the World We Live In