Putin’s Russia
- Saturday (12pm Central) – passcode 283829
- Sunday (12pm Central) – passcode 697533
Lecture 1
- Russia and the World We Live In: Screencast
Lecture 2
- Russian History in One Lesson: Screencast
- Anchor Fact Timeline of Russian History (PDF)
Lecture 3
- Aspiration and Subordinacy: Screencast
- Anchor Fact Timeline for Periodization (PDF)
- Periodization Timeline of Foreign Relations (PDF)
Lecture 4
- The Exhaustion of Cultural Capital: Screencast
- Periodization Timeline of Foreign Relations + Social Contract (PDF)
Lecture 5
- Cardinality and Multipolarity: Screencast
- Periodization Timeline – Cross-Connected (PDF)
- Periodization Timeline – Integrated (PDF)
- Formal Periodization Statements (PDF)