Junior High
Week 9
Lecture 24: Test Preparation Class
Week 8
Lecture 23: Post-Colonial South Asia
Lecture 22: Independence and Partition
Lecture 21: India in WWII
Week 7
Lecture 20: Satyagraha After WWI
Lecture 19: World War I and South Asia
Lecture 18: World War I and Europe
Week 6
Lecture 17: World War I – Anchor Fact
Lecture 16: World War I – SuperFact!
Lecture 15: Revisiting South Asia
Week 5
Lecture 14: Anchor Facts of Indian History, Part 3
Lecture 13: Anchor Facts of Indian History, Part 2
Lecture 12: Anchor Facts of Indian History
Week 4
Lecture 11: Towards “Swaraj”
Lecture 10: The British Raj, Part 2
Lecture 9: The British Raj
Week 3
Lecture 8: The British Conquest of South Asia
Lecture 7: The Muslim Onslaught
Lecture 6: Origins of Post-Colonial South Asia
Week 2
Lecture 5: Hindu Culture
Lecture 4: Post-Colonial South Asia, Part2
Lecture 3: Post-Colonial South Asia
Week 1
Lecture 2 – Geography Orientation, Part 2
Lecture 1 – Geography Orientation